our values
Every person has a worldview. A worldview is a set of beliefs by which an individual determines what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false. For a follower of Jesus, the Bible is what establishes our worldview. This is because the Bible is the Word of God. Through its writings we learn the heart of God, and understand His desires for His people. We believe it is the compass by which we navigate every and all issues of faith and life.
God designed the journey of faith to be one that we do not take alone. Every follower of Jesus needs others in their life who will graciously, yet clearly, point them toward the truth of Scripture. Through mutual accountability, the church is transformed to look more and more like Jesus. This accountability is not one-sided. All believers should be willing to lovingly speak truth, and also humbly receive it.
All missional living starts with worship and leads to more worship, both personally and corporately. Just as faith without works is dead, good works separated from active trust in the person and work of Jesus, is also dead. We are called by Jesus to follow Him into the world as an expression of our worship. As carriers of heaven’s DNA and the aroma of Jesus in His world, we want to carry His grace, truth, and beauty into all the places where we live, work, and play.
In the message of the gospel, we see the perfection of generosity. All that God had, even His own Son, was freely given for the purpose of His glory and our good. As followers of Jesus, we too should express generosity with our time, abilities and resources. This means that the work and responsibilities of the church are not accomplished by only a few, but by the body as a whole.
Too often the church is considered an institution instead of a family. It was never meant to be an event simply attended, but an invitation into a life of divine belonging. In family life you don't just consume, you give. Families are never perfect, but we believe relational differences provide an opportunity to grow and become more like Christ. We are committed to sharing our lives in Christian community, caring for one another, discipling one another and resolving conflict.